Thursday, November 26, 2009

Windows 8 released 2012

Commonly, Microsoft launches an OS every four years, but this schedule was thrown off kilter due to a number of delays in the launch of Vista which in turn slowed the release of Windows 7. We have known that Vista and Windows 7 has no success progress than previous OS – Windows XP.

Microsoft today has tried to move on their progress including software development (Office suite) and OS (Windows 7 updates and Windows 8 release). Image above shows you a time table of Microsoft products release from year to year. The unstable time to release new products from Microsoft might be caused by some competitors’ progress in releasing a new reliable OS and software such as Linux, Mac OS, Android, and even Google Chrome OS where most of them have Open Source platform.


2 komentar:

Joddie said...

weww.. masih tiga tahun lagi fyuuh.. lha wong ini win7 aja belon sempet make kok..

belajar blog said...

sorry om baru bisa mampir maklum ya saya lagi buuuanyak tugas ma belajar metode seo yang ngak ngerti nih...sehat kan kondisi..ooya saya suka makai chrome lebih cepet dan enteng

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