This platform is just like a social micro blogging as we have known as Twitter. However, this type is still in developing process and now just available for US and India only. This platform is especially for limited bandwidth countries.
Twitter is simple, that’s why facebook try to present this new platform of facebook lite to compete. For you who are wondering to know you can access it through and here is the screenshot of home page.

16 komentar:
so Link sudah nancap dengan teks anchor sharing jurnal
kembarannya twitter nih!
.salam kenal.. .
.berkunjung nih..
,di tunggu kunjungan ma komen baliknya ya, , ,terima kasih. . .
keren nih blognya. .
,.salam kenal. .
cakep tampilannya
Yooowwwwha....mantep anget bro...
Lebih simple...
Cuma ada beberapa fitus yang gak ada, seperti games :D
suka yg ini,,abisnya kalo buka FB suka macet berat bgt kali ya,,kaya angkat besi
light banget,,,light itu lampu apa ringan yah,,hehhhee
yes yes yes, no no no
brapa watt iku bolam'e joe
ngga ngerti bahsa bule,ngertinya bahsa kodok khehehhe
minal aidin wal Faizin ya ^_^... kasih saran,,,,OOt seh,,tp ini berguna bgt buat lo.Favicon nya di ganti dunk,,masa masih pakai favicon blogger..........
di tunggu perubahannya
info menarik makasih atas sherr nya
slm kenal.
fb lite ini masih sepabrik sama fb yg original itu ga ya?
Hi... thanks informasinya bro... aku udah di TKP nih... ini produk terbaru dr FB ya?
waduh...facebook ajah belum khatam dah keluar lagi versi litenya....
never been saw this simply facebook platfrom, if i have time maybe i will try it, cuz i am not really like to use facebook.
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